Programming a Game With Godot
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What is Godot?

Godot Engine is an open-source game engine you can use to make all sorts of games. It's growing in popularity, with more and more people using it to make awesome games. In this article, we're going to tell you how to start using it to make your own games. Godot uses a scripting language called GDScript. It has a very similar syntax to Python, which you might have used for other scripting applications. It looks like this:

func _ready():
print("Hello World")

Everything start with an idea

To start to make a game, you need to get an idea what to do. I recommend that you star recreate a famous 2D game. Unless you already have game development experience and already understand about game design, in which case, you can start with an idea of your own.

GDScript is easy to learn

The GDScript is a great programming language to start in the game development world, because the language is very clear and simple. In addition, a lot of video content that teaches you how to get started with GDScript, probably because it is an open source engine, the official Godot website also offers powerful documentation about the language.

Where learn Godot?

To get started with GDScript the best way is with the official documentation. You can access it by clicking here.

Written in 01st of April 2022 by Heldeson Santos