I created a game for catholics. A specific market niche would be a mistake?
#MarketNiche #GodotEngine #QueSantoSouEu? #Android #IndieGameDev #DevLog

My first game for Android was "Que santo sou eu?", "What saint am I?" in English, it was published only in Brazil. As the name suggests, it's a game for Catholics. In this game, there are 100 saints of the Catholic Church, with photo, name and one tip. For play, you need to put your phone in your forehead and your friends will tell you the tips about the saints that are showed in screen. If you get it right, turn phone up, if you get it wrong, turn phone down.

Definitively it's a game for a specific market niche, it's so specific, that not all Catholics have interest in this game, because to play it, it's necessary to know the saints and few Catholics know it. You might think: "why do you make this game?" I made this because I am catholic, and it was a personal goal and that's why that the game is totally free and don't have ads. My idea was to publish the game and only update to fix big problems.

In numbers, my game reached more 1000 downloads on Google Play Story. I confess that I was hoped more downloads, because my idea was to talk with Catholics influencer to announce my app, without a official business, like a favor, but only one helped me. For a good time, the game stayed with more 900 people with it installed. After 3 months, they started to uninstall.

My opinion about all this is: if you are thinking in make a game for a specific market niche, you need to be with the public, because they will be faithful, and they will help you to develop your game, enough you keep your attention to game and don't forget it. If I was updated my with new saints and another suggestions that people told me, my game could until was alive, but for this I should have done something to make money.

Written in 12th of November 2021 by Heldeson Santos